Carhartt T Shirts


FastDry technology wicks away sweat while Stain Breaker technology releases stains for a powerful t-shirt.


Durable 6.75 ounce cotton jersey knit fabric with side seams to minimize twisting. The hardest working t-shirt of all time.

Custom Carhartt Shirts

Custom Carhartt T-Shirts

Create custom company Carhartt t-shirts, work shirts, sweatshirts, jackets and caps at Stitch Logo with ease. Simply select "add embroidery" to any item you would like with your logo and email us the design.

We will email you a sew-out of your logo 2-3 days after you place your order for your approval before we move your uniforms into production ensuring you get exactly what you want with your very first order.

Receive FREE logo set-up with a 12+ piece custom embroidery order.